Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Weekly Update

Dear Families of Room 23,

Here are a couple of quick notes for this week.

1. This Friday is an Edna Spirit Day. The Student Council voted to make it Pajama Day! We will still have our Third Grade Pajama Day on Friday of next week and students will also be allowed to bring their stuffies. (No stuffies this Friday, please.)

2. Thank you for all of your support with the Toiletry Drive. We have amassed quite a few items and will be putting them together for the Ritter House next Thursday. Please feel free to continue to contribute between now and then.

3. Students will complete their coding sessions with Mrs. Fisher this Friday. Please see below for a note from her regarding how they can continue coding from home if you/they choose to do so.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Teresa Shern

A note from Mrs. Fisher:

Dear Families,
I have enjoyed introducing coding to your children for the last 8 weeks. Even though my time with your children is almost over, there are several ways for your child to continue coding. We have been using and your child will have access to all of the lessons in the Programming 101 course. The 3rd grade teachers used grade level funds to purchase licenses for all 3rd grade students this year (thank you, PTA!). Your child will come home with the password and ID needed to continue using Tynker. Other options are and Scratch, which are both free programs.

Katie Fisher