Monday, February 4, 2019

Weekly Update

Dear Families of Room 23,

I’m sending this week’s update early, as there are a few time-sensitive reminders.

1.     Wednesday we will participate in the fourth annual Global School Play Day. Students are welcome and encouraged to bring in games they would like to play. No technology.

2.     Interactive Art Show Reminder: Please join us for our interactive art class Monday, February 11 from 2:10-3:00 in the multipurpose room. You're also invited to a special evening reception on Wednesday, February 6, from 5:30-6:30pm.

3.     Valentine’s Day is Thursday of next week. Class lists will be sent home in today’s homework folder. Students may choose to bring Valentine’s cards to hand out to classmates. If your child brings a Valentine for one classmate, he/she must bring Valentines for all classmates. We’ll also have a short and sweet Valentine’s party. We’ll brainstorm treat ideas in class this Thursday and your child may ask to bring a special treat for the class to share on Valentine’s Day. Thank you for your support with this! Additionally, we will participate in some fun math and language arts activities throughout the day.

4.     In this week’s homework folder you will also find a field trip form for our brief, yet extremely important and interesting field trip to the Mill Valley Library History Room on Friday, March 15. This field trip serves as a launching point for our Mill Valley History Study. Students will have a chance to see many historical pictures and artifacts, as well as hear a variety of stories about Mill Valley’s history. Please complete the form and have your child return it by Friday of this week.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you!

Teresa Shern