Saturday, September 1, 2018

Weekly Update

August 23, 2018

Dear Parents,

We’re having a wonderful first day of 3rd grade in room 23. It was a pleasure meeting all of your children and we’re all looking forward to a great year of learning and growth.

Today, your child is coming home with two items that will need to be completed and returned to school. They are as follows:

1.   Parent Questionnaire – I’m asking all parents to complete this as it will help me get to know your child quickly and provides you with an opportunity to communicate with me about your child. Please return the questionnaire by Friday, 8/31 (next week).

2.   PTA First Day Packets are also due Friday, 8/31. One packet was sent home per family, with the oldest sibling. Packets are to be returned directly to classroom teachers and we will turn them in to the office.

Scheduling note: We end our day in PE on Fridays. Students will be dismissed from the blacktop at 3:00.

Green folders have been ordered and are on the way. We’ll use them throughout the year for school/home communication.

Finally, please respond letting me know that you received this email (include your child’s name either in the subject or body). If you would like me to add another email address to this contact group, please provide me with that as well.

Thank you!

Teresa Shern